IRIX 5.3 for Indy R4400
IRIX 5.3 for Indy R4400 175MHz.img
Text File
265 lines
cdplayer - play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive
ccccddddppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr [ ----ddddeeeevvvv device ] [ -_t_o_o_l_k_i_t_o_p_t_i_o_n ]
_c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r is a Motif based control panel for playing audio Compact Discs
on a CD-ROM drive. Output is through the headphone jack or output jacks
_o_f _t_h_e _C_D-_R_O_M _d_r_i_v_e. To play a CD through the IRIS audio hardware (where
available, e.g. on the IRIS Indigo) you must either run _c_d_m_a_n(_1) or plug
the output jacks of the CD-ROM drive into the line-input jacks of the
audio hardware.
_c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r can store the names of discs and tracks, and also allows track
programming and assigning names to these programs. The location and
format of the music catalog is different from that previously used by
_c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r(_1) in order to facilitate creation of shared, distributed music
catalogs. Existing catalogs can be converted to the new format using the
command _c_d_d_b_c_v_t(_1).
When looking for a catalog entry, _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r searches a list of
directories. The default list is the single directory ~/._c_d_d_b. An
alternate list can be specified by the shell environment variable
CDDB_PATH, whose value is a comma-separated list of directories.
When _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r needs to create a new music catalog entry, it has to pick a
single directory. The default directory is ~/._c_d_d_b. An alternate
directory can be specified by the shell environment variable
----ddddeeeevvvv _d_e_v_i_c_e
Causes cdplayer to attempt to use _d_e_v_i_c_e as the CD-ROM drive for
playing discs. If the ----ddddeeeevvvv option is not used, cdplayer consults
the hardware inventory table to find a CD-ROM drive.
_c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r's main window has three areas: a display area in the upper left
hand corner, control buttons on the right, and display and programming
buttons in the lower left hand corner.
DDDDiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy AAAArrrreeeeaaaa
The display area contains four rows of information. The top row is a
label that contains the title of the current CD, or the string "No disc"
if the CD-ROM drive is empty. The next row is a label containing the
artist of the current CD.
The third row has three fields. The first field contains the number of
the current track, the second contains the time (see below), and the
third contains the name of the current track.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
The lat row is the status row and also contains three fields. The first
field displays a triangle bitmap when a CD is playing, a pair of lines
when a CD is paused, and otherwise is blank. The second field contains
the string "Repeat" if repeat mode is on (see below), and is otherwise
blank. The last field contains the string "Shuffle" if _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r is in
shuffle mode, "Program" if a program is being played, and is blank
CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll bbbbuuuuttttttttoooonnnnssss
Play/Pause Starts playing the current CD if it is stopped or paused,
or pauses it if it playing.
Stop Stops playing the CD.
Track These buttons skip backward and forward through the tracks
on a CD. The skip backward button skips to the beginning
of the current track, or to the beginning of the previous
track if the current track is already at the beginning.
Search These buttons rewind and fast forward through the tracks
on a CD. The CD does not play fast, but the time in the
display area updates to reflect the change in position on
the CD.
Quit Exit _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r.
Eject Eject the current CD from the CD-ROM drive.
DDDDiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy aaaannnndddd PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmmmmmmiiiinnnngggg BBBBuuuuttttttttoooonnnnssss
Program... Brings up a dialog for creating or selecting CD programs.
Programs specify the order in which the tracks on a CD are
to be played. If no programs have been entered
previously, the "Program" dialog (see below) appears.
Otherwise, the "Select" dialog (see below) appears. If a
program is created or selected, _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r will be in
program mode, and the string "Program" will appear in the
display area.
Shuffle Causes the tracks on the CD to be shuffled; that is, they
will be played in a random order. "Shuffle" will be
displayed in the display area.
Clear Resets _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r if it is in program or shuffle mode. The
tracks will now be played in the order that they are found
on the CD.
Time Determines what kind of time is displayed in the time
field. By default, the time field displays the elapsed
time of the current track. If the Time button is pressed
once, the time field displays the remaining time of the
current track. If the Time button is pressed again, the
time field displays the elapsed time of the CD, and if it
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
is pressed a fourth time the time field displays the
remaining time of the CD. If pressed one more time, the
time field will once again display the elapsed time of the
current track.
Repeat Puts _c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r in repeat mode. When the current CD is done
playing, play begins again. In program mode, the program
is played over again. In shuffle mode, the shuffled
tracks are played again in the same order.
File... Brings up the "File" dialog (see below) that can be used
to enter the title and artist of the current CD, and the
names of the tracks on it. This information is saved (see
_c_d_p_l_a_y_e_r can recall the information you entered.
TTTThhhheeee PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm ddddiiiiaaaalllloooogggg
This dialog appears when you press the "Program..." button when no
progams have previously been entered, and when you press the "New" or
"Modify" buttons on the "Select" dialog (see below).
Enter a name for the program in the "Program Name" text field. Then
select the tracks you want on the program from the "Tracks on Disc" list,
and add them to the "Tracks in Program" list using the left arrow button.
Tracks can be removed from the "Tracks in Program" list using the right
arrow button, and reordered using the up and down arrow buttons. Press
the "OK" button when you are done with your program, or "Cancel" if you
don't want to enter this program.
TTTThhhheeee SSSSeeeelllleeeecccctttt ddddiiiiaaaalllloooogggg
This dialog appears when you press the "Program..." button when programs
have been previously entered. Select the name of the program you want to
play from the list. You can use the "New" button to create a new
program, or the "Modify" button to change an existing program. Press the
"OK" button to choose the selected program, and press "Cancel" if you
don't want to select a program.
TTTThhhheeee FFFFiiiilllleeee ddddiiiiaaaalllloooogggg
The File dialog appears when you press the "File..." button. Enter the
title and artist of the current CD in the "Title" and "Artist" text
fields. Enter the names of the tracks on the CD in the numbered text
fields. If there are more tracks on the CD than there are numbered text
fields, use the scroll bar to access the additional tracks. Press the
"OK" button to accept the information you have entered, or press the
"Cancel" button to close the dialog without changing the information.
/dev/scsi/sc0d?l0 (CD-ROM drive)
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/cdplayer/* (bitmaps for push buttons)
$HOME/.cdplayerrc (old catalog for titles, track names, and programs)
$HOME/.cddb (catalog for titles, track names, and programs)
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444